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See who is Unsubscribed

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When importing a list from a file, I see that 6 contacts did not import because they were unsubscribed. How do I know which ones they are?

It would be really helpful to be able to view a contact that can't be added during an import because they previously unsubscribed.
The fact that the system no longer tells you who the people are who you have tried to add but have "opted out" is a major flaw in the UI/System. When you have folks who have expressly asked to subscribe and you try to import a large file just knowing that "X number can't be added due to opted out subscriber" is not useful. This information used to be present in the system before the UI update.
When adding a list and it includes a name of someone who has unsubscribed. It would be helpful to know who that was. I have members who sometimes unsubscribe without realizing they will no longer receive newsletters, etc, and I like to email them to let them know they have unsubscribed and will no longer receive these, but if I don't know who it was I have to sort through my list of unsubscribes to figure out who it was. Granted I SHOULD keep that list clean...but who has time for that. thanks for considering
When attempting to add a contact who previously unsubscribed your system offered the option to see who they were. This was extremely important to us. We would email the individual advising them to go to our website and enroll themselves. Can you reinstate this option? Thank you so very much for allowing this feedback.
Constant Contact Partner
I used to be able to access the unsubscribes/errors from a mailing list when it was uploaded. So I would know who didn't get the email that I was sending out. I am now not able to view these records. All I see now is a number of how many on my list didn't receive it, but not why or who. Will this feature be added back in the very near future?
Campaign Contributor
At some point, an update to Constant Contact lost the option to see the contacts that did not upload. Now it only says that X number didn't upload but you can't determine who those failed uploads are. This is so frustrating for large lists when you don't have the time or resources to go line by line and compare who uploaded and who didn't. Hopefully a solution is coming soon.
I recently uploaded our customer email list and there were 400 import errors. There is no way to print this report and the errors are fixable - we could reach a lot more customers if I could get this corrected. Any ideas?
Campaign Collaborator
I need to fresehn up my own excel list, but cannot do that because do not get out the names of the unsubscribed persons. And it is too time consuming to go through all lists and e-mails sent and check. This is not good. Best regards, Magne Bell
Campaign Collaborator
I do not like your new method of having numbers rather than names on accounts. I am unable to find email addresses in my fund raising program so unless you change back to names I will be sending you email addresses monthly that you say should be deleted.
I click on reports. It shows me 2 new contacts in the upper left in a box. I click on New contacts and it gives me an instructional message and does not show me the 2 new contacts. I look below and it tells me there are 2 new contacts via web-signup form, but there is no place to click. How can I see these 2 new contacts? The user interface leaves lots of room for improvement.
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