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See who is Unsubscribed

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When importing a list from a file, I see that 6 contacts did not import because they were unsubscribed. How do I know which ones they are?

You should create a feature that allows you to download the list of unsubscribed contacts after you create a new list. I know you can download the list of all the unsubscribed but I mean just the ones that didn't get added to your newly created list. Like the red box that tells you how many people unsubscribed should have a link to allow you to export that specific number of contacts so you know who didn't get added to that list.

We have a customer relationship management system that prompts our customers to be added to our email newsletter list, write a review, etc. but if our customers were already a part of our email contact list first, and have previously unsubscribed from our email list, we need to be able to remove them from our CRM list at the store too so we don't bother them.  Please add the capability to see which emails had already been rejected; it would help our process greatly!  Thank you!

When I upload a list of contacts, I went to the activity page to see "this job had 1 issue: one contact was un-subscribed and could not be added to a list" but I'm unable to click into this to see which contact this is. It would save a lot of time to see this right away vs. having to go into the unsubscribed list and cross reference. In the long run, it would lessen the "bad" contacts as I'd be able to go into my personal database and make sure these contacts weren't uploaded again in a short amount of time. Since I have to cross reference, I won't look into it now because it will take too much time. Therefore, the "bad" contacts will keep being uploaded. Thanks.
Campaign Contributor
I can see that some of my contacts did not upload due to errors. But I cannot tell where the error are so I can fix them. You used to have that feature, what happened?
I just added two new contact lists and discovered 14 people are unsubscribed (according to Contacts: Activity) red buttons. I just phoned support and understand there is no way to find out the names of those 14 people without cross checking them against my unsubscribe list, which is over 1K. Please think about letting us know the names of unsubscribes so we can contact them directly. Thank you!
Exporting errors would be very helpful when you have 167 errors.
I recently added 200+ contacts by importing an xls but CC showed an alert that 3 of the contacts were not added because they had previously unsubscribed. All I wanted to know was which three addresses/people didn't make it into the group I just created so I could see if it was something I needed to deal with. But alas, you all have no way of doing that. Wouldn't it be nice to just have a dropdown or a window or a link to a window that shows us the "Issues"/conflicts with our import? Please please think of developing this soon. Thank you.
Described above.
Status changed to: New

Last week we added the ability to get a file of the contacts you're trying to add that previously unsubscribed. Any contact adds you do (like from a file upload) from 9/23/15 onwards that had previous unsubscribes will have a link on the Contacts > Activity page to see the exact email addresses that were already unsubscribed.


Jennifer Bubriski

Group Product Manager, Contact Management

Status changed to: New
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