Some of our customers are experiencing issues accessing campaigns and reporting data. We are working to resolve this as quickly as possible.

Showing Resend List & Edit Capabilities

0 Votes
When resending a campaign to a list - or to new adds to a contact list, Constant Contact should populate a list of the new adds which it will be resending the campaign to + capabilities to edit the list. Otherwise, you don't know who all you're resending the campaign to. Just resent a campaign to everyone who already received it.............
Status changed to: Open Questions

Hi @IsabelleS54,

Thank you for taking the time to reach out to the Community and providing us with your feedback! I do sincerely apologize about this experience. As you mentioned, the resend functionality should only be sending to the newly added contacts to the lists selected. However, I think that being able to check the list prior to sending the email is a great idea! In which part of the scheduling flow would you like to see this list? Would you want it to create an actual list you can view on your Contacts page? Or are you thinking more of a list view within the scheduling page to view who the recipients would be? 

Status changed to: Closed - No Action

Thank you for taking the time to post in the Community. We haven't heard back from you so we are going to close this idea. This doesn't mean that we aren't listening to your feedback! If you would like to continue the conversation, please feel free to reply here in the Community or vote on any of the other open ideas to let us know what you would like to see.

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