new editor

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Not making the content created in the 2nd generation editor transferable to the 3rd generation editor is horrible. Been a customer of yours for years and now with years worth of custom branded campaigns that now have to be redesigned from scratch. I talked with support and found out about the incompatibility from your chat rep. The 2nd generation editor is almost unusable now anyway with formatting bugs and issues all over the place. She wanted to charge be $399 to transfer the template to the new editor. Niiiice customer service there. Change is fine but make it easy to deal with.
Status changed to: Open Questions

Hey @joshlumber, thanks for your feedback! I understand the issue of not being able to transfer a template from the older editor to the newer editor. Unfortunately, the technology that each editor relies on is quite different and we don't have the ability to make the two templates compatible. The new editor offers a lot of new features and ways to format your campaign without the formatting issues you might see in the older editor. If you have a specific campaign that you could give me as an example, I could look into seeing if it may be something we could recreate within the new editor. 

Status changed to: Closed - No Action
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