templates for emails etc

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Why is the link to the templates so hard to find???
Status changed to: Open Questions

Hey @BrendaC084! Could you provide me with a little more information regarding the issue you are having? Where are you anticipating the link to create a campaign? We currently have it on the "Dashboard" as well as the "Campaigns" page at the top right.


I got the location from a chat support lol. Compared to how visible it was a few years back (at a previous job we used constant contact), it's pretty hidden if you don't know where to look. (What's very visible is the link to have a template custom built.) I think if I had to reach out and ask through a chat, it is pretty well stashed away...Maybe run a test with new people, since as employees of course you know where everything is. Anyway, all good, we're up and running fine. But thanks!

@BrendaC084 wrote:
Why is the link to the templates so hard to find???



I'm glad you were able to get it all sorted! I definitely understand the frustrations that can be had with being unable to find the send button, so I've passed this feedback along to our Product Developers and will be opening this up for voting. 

Status changed to: Voting Open
Status changed to: Closed - No Action

Hi everyone,


The good news is the create button is present on many pages within our users' accounts. The dashboard has also been updated since this initial post! Because of this we are going to close this idea. This doesn't mean that we aren't listening to your feedback! Please feel free to comment or vote on any of the other open ideas to let us know what you would like to see.

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