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"Add to List" overlay scrolls out of view in Firefox

0 Votes

Hi. I routinely select the people who open an email and add them to 2 lists. When I do this with the beta test reporting, I click the first list I'm adding them to, then the "list of lists" goes off the screen and I have to way scroll up to pick the second one. This dos NOT happen when I select the subscribers who clicked through, only on the ones who opened. Must be a glitch in your code.

Marketing Legend

Also, I thought there was supposed to be a special place to provide feedback on the new reporting interface which I believe is still in beta. But I can't find that place.

Status changed to: Voting Open

Hi @rcppubs23. Thanks for passing this along! You're right, this looks like a bug. I was able to see the issue you were describing, but only when I was working in Firefox. I'll get this submitted to our engineering team to take a look at.

Status changed to: Acknowledged

While we don't have an update to share surrounding the issue of the scroll bar disappearing when selecting lists in Firefox, we have brought this up again to our engineering team. We aren't able to replicate this in other browsers so in a pinch, another browser can be used. If we hear updates, we'll follow up here.

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