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Unable to Extend the Event Start or End Date Past 09/30/2023

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I am unable to create an event that is scheduled to take place after September 2023. This is a huge problem as we like to have our entire year of offerings available to market them and open registration, and we are hamstringed by this limitation. It is very important that we are able to open registration to an event after September 30.

I have no idea why there is an arbitrary cut off for how far off we can plan events, but at a minimum we need to be able to plan them through December 2023.


If this isn't fixed or changed soon, we might need to look into other platforms.

Top Answer

The Events 2.0 beta has been fully released to all accounts as of September 2023. If you have feedback regarding the newer events tool, make sure to check out any threads here in Ideas marked with [Events 2.0] in the title.


Updated 8/30/2023


Events that were created using our legacy Event tool will have an end cutoff date of 12/31/2023. There will be no further work on this tool as we move forward with Events 2.0.


Over the next few months, Event 2.0 will be rolled out. The updated Event tool has end dates available to 2025.

Status changed to: Acknowledged


It's the middle of 2023...

I guess many events are now being planned for 2024, please open up events for at least the first few months of 2024 asap! 

In general, this capping of dates after a few months is inhibiting the whole events feature of CC. Please do something about it.


Marketing Legend

The primary reason our company uses Constant Contact is to post events. We already have our complete 2024 Calendar laid out and we can’t let our customers know about it and I don’t know when we’ll be able to let our customers know about it. From the constant contact community chat this has been an issue for Constant Contact in 2021, 2022, and again in 2023. There are 60 messages in your community chat Over three years asking when you’ll open the next years calendar. So I’m asking also, when? Thank you. 


We've been hearing about fixing the inability of adding dates in 2024 for six months now. We're heading into the last quarter of the year, and have had to find alternatives to announce and set up registration for 2024 events. 


Is it time for our use of Constant Contact to come to an end? It simply doesn't work anymore.

Campaign Collaborator

We are experiencing the same issue with adding upcoming events.  We have events in early 2024 and are unable to announce and set up registration.  Unfortunately, this creates a scenario where rather than use the service we already pay for, we have to find alternatives and workarounds.  Why has this not yet been addressed and remedied?



Marketing Legend

I chatted with Constant Contact rep today (8/22/23) and they:

-Apologized many times

-Said they don't know if/when the LEGACY events calendar may ever open up beyond 12/31/23

-Said there is a flaw in the BETA that does not allow events to be shared on live event calendar each business has thru Const. Cont. 

-Confirmed that we can create 2024 and even 2025 events in the BETA - but that those events won't appear on our event calendar. 


What are other businesses doing in response? From moderators comment above, it looks like LEGACY may never resume. Left with BETA and no live calendar link. Plus, when offered email lists my subscribers may choose when subscribing - it left off my main list! Where's that gone?

Marketing Legend

What is going on with this? We have been using this for a decade. Went to put up our schedule going into May of 2024. Wont allow anything past Dec 31, 2023. Chatted  and talked to support. They dont know when new system is being released.


Does anyone know what is going on. This thread started 1-31-2023. 9-1-2023 is next week and we dont have any replacement and the legacy wont let you go past end of 2023, which is 4 months away. Very very poor.


Can someone at constant contact reply and let us know some timeline for this? This  issue started in January of this year.


Hi @DouglasB865. Legacy events have a cut-off date of 12/31/2023 and this will not be extended as we move forward with the updated Event tool. This Event tool (shown as Events 2.0 in accounts) allows for event end dates to go past this date.

Campaign Collaborator

@Caitlin_M  Is Events 2.0 the same as Beta?  We have Beta, but do not see 2.0 in accounts.

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