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Event Registration on Events 2.0

Campaign Collaborator
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On the Legacy version our members would receive an event invitation, and permitted to sign up one guest. That went into our registration system as one entry, and we could see who the guest was and their relationship to the member. In addition, we could generate our name tags from the export. In 2.0, it appears that I can only allow someone 2 tickets, and each ticket has the same registration information and will appear as a separate registration. I'm hoping I'm missing something because this simply will no longer meet our needs as it is now. I need the ability to allow a member to sign up their guest and show me the relationship. (i.e. spouse, coworker)

0 Votes

Hello @RaeSchafer ,


You'd have a separate ticket for guests, and set a limit per registration for the applicable ticket types. For setting up the registration form, set a custom field for the guest ticket only, so the main registrant can put in what the relation is. 

William A
Community & Social Media Support
Campaign Collaborator

That is disappointing.  It will complicate our event registration to the point where it may be unusable for us.

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