Hello @BernadetteS3, Thank you for the feedback on our images. So you would want the option to submit your own business to display on the homepage? Is it just our home page when logging in that you would want to see new images?
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Hello @PaulM2108, Just to be clear when you say "series," are you referring to the fact that your automated email series isn't showing on the calendar? If so you are correct. At this time Automation series do not show up on the calendar nor is there a way to see when they are scheduled without unscheduling it.
Are you looking to know the date of the initial email, or the date and time?
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Hello @Yue-SaiK, I'm very sorry to hear that your image is uploading with a low resolution. I'm interested in hearing more about this issue. What type of format is your image saved as? Where was your image created? We do have an article that does go over how to prepare images for upload. Have you tried uploading your image with the format that we suggest?
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Hello @MargaretR571, Thanks for reaching out to us with this idea! Is it mostly the size of the button that you wish was pre created in a smaller format? Would you prefer to toggle between different buttons and use the one you like? Depending on how you build your website would a link to a signup form work so you could create the button on your site and link to the form? Instead of using the button option I wonder if the option to get the form url would suit your need better.
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Hello @WilliamD1099 , I want to make sure I understand what you need help with. Are you trying to create a list of contacts and from there looking to create an email in Constant Contact?
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Hello @STEPHANIES2005, Are you referring to the guide on how to create and install sign up forms? Here is a link to the article: Activate and Install an Inline or Pop-Up Contact Sign-Up Form on a Website Where were you trying to access this link where it was not working?
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Hello @ChirstinaD, I just want to make sure I understand your idea. Are you saying that you want to save certain elements of your email to reuse? Would you want to reuse them in the same email or in different campaigns? Would you be able to go a little further in detail as to what the difference between the two ideas would be?
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Awesome ideas! I will open this up for voting so other users like your self can vote and comment on this idea as well. Thank you for the additional information, it is greatly appreciated!
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Hello @PaulaH231
I'm happy to hear that you had an awesome experience with Timothy! I will definitely pass along this message! If you have any other feedback or ideas feel free to come back to our community at anytime!
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**Information from customer**
Hi Candace!
Ideally it would be under reporting. You can base it on city. For example when I pull my report I can see that 500 people opened my email in Georgia and 300 in California and 100 in New York etc. Below I have listed an example.
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Hello @GlennJ032, Are you referring to the labels that you can include when posting an idea? I'm sorry that you were having a hard time posting. Do you know what labels you were trying to include on your post?
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Hello @AdamC85 ,
Thanks for reaching out with this idea! I'm interested in learning more about what you are looking to do. Are you looking for it to include resends and resends to non openers? Do you tend to create and schedule from the calendar or do you just like to see when they were sent in this format?
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Hey @GlennJ032, I'm not sure I know exactly what you are referring to and was wondering if you can help me understand the feature you are talking about. Where in the account are you seeing this? What actions were you taking to get this to appear?
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Hello @SherylK257, Thanks for reaching out about this! I am sorry that you are having a hard time with this and I will gladly pass along this feedback. In the meantime if Blogger has any type of support they should be able to help you. Otherwise if you create a landing page version of your sign up form it should supply you with a url that you could potentially insert into a button.
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Hello @user9206 , Thanks for reaching out about this! I'm sorry that you find that the time difference is difficult when you need to contact us. What channel are you looking to contact us on in these situations?
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Hello @MarkK05, What page is popping up for you? Is it a window that brings you to our Constant Contact Community? WHere in your account are you seeing this notification?
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Hello @KevinR9928, Thanks for taking the time to reach out about that idea! Are you saying that you would want a map where you can see where the contacts who open your emails are at the time that they open it? Is there somewhere in product where you would want to see something like this? Would you want to just base it on city, state, or something else entirely.
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Hello @TanyaH98, Thank you for taking the time to submit your feedback on this. I too think it would be a great idea for us to include these features on our sign up forms. I want to open this idea up to voting so others like yourself can vote on this idea. Are you familiar with our Marketplace at all? This is where different third parties create integrations that work with Constant Contact. You may be able to find an alternative sign up form you can use here.
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Hello @JR-Fulton-and-Associates, Sounds like you would like the ability to permanently delete campaigns from the deleted folder. At this time we don't have the ability to do this, but I will gladly track your feedback on this. If you had an option to filter what was recently deleted would this help? You currently have the option to filter new to old, or last modified under deleted, but neither will list them in the order they were deleted in.
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Your bounce rate shouldn't be increasing as your contact tier increases. There are different reasons why a contact may be bouncing and typically it's related to things such as the email address being spelled incorrectly, or an issue with the ISP. You can learn more about the different reasons and what to do about them here. I'm curious as to why you think your sign up form is the reason behind the bounces on your account though? Was there something that lead you to believe this?
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Hi @MarkP1845, I think that having the sign up form slide in is a great idea! I want to open this idea up for voting so other users can share their feedback on this idea. Timing of your sign up form is actually a feature included in our email plus package. with this feature you can tell your pop up form to display options such as one time only, once a day, once a week, and more.
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Hello @MarkP1845, I just want to take a moment to fully understand your feedback. What about our sign up forms are you looking to control?
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Hello @Jendanielslake, Thank you for reaching out to us about the ability to search for your images by name. I am sorry that the lack of this feature makes it difficult to find your images. I will be tracking your feedback about our new editor for you. If you click on a placeholder image in your email template and click replace you should have the option to search by image name on this screen. I hope this helps with your process in the meantime!
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@ManuelL3 I'm sorry that the ability to filter your emails by date is not the perfect feature to help you find your previous campaigns. I can tell you that we are actively working on a search feature for the campaigns. We don't have an exact ETA for when this will be released to you, but I think this will greatly improve your future searches!
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Thanks for the feedback! At this time due to the number of votes we will be marking this as closed. Feel free to always submit a new idea.
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Thanks for giving us that feedback! At this moment in time we will be marking this as closed due to number of votes. Feel free to submit a new idea to us if you like.
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