How would I format the JSON, if I only want to add the EmailAddress, FirstName and LastName? I want to make all the other fields blank or not even added them, if possible. I keep getting a 400 error Bad request, if I do not supply all the fields. string content = "{\"email_address\" : {" + "\"address\" : \"" + emailAddress + "\", " + "\"permission_to_send\" : \"implicit\"" + "}, " + "\"first_name\" : \"" + firstName + "\", " + "\"last_name\" : \"" + lastName + "\", " + "\"job_title\" : \"test\", " + "\"company_name\" : \"tst\", " + "\"create_source\" : \"Account\", " + "\"birthday_month\" : 11, " + "\"birthday_day\" : 11, " + "\"anniversary\" : \"2006-11-15\", " + "\"steet_addresses\" : {" + "\"kind\": \"home\", " + "\"street\" : \"1221 Robinson Road\", " + "\"city\" : \"Houston\", " + "\"state\" : \"Texas\", " + "\"country\" : \"United States\", " + "} }"; This string does not work. I always get an error. string content2 = "{\"email_address\" : {" + "\"address\" : \"" + emailAddress + "\", " + "\"permission_to_send\" : \"implicit\"" + "}, " + "\"first_name\" : \"" + firstName + "\", " + "\"last_name\" : \"" + lastName + "\", " + "\"job_title\" : \"\", " + "\"company_name\" : \"\", " + "\"create_source\" : \"Account\", " + "\"birthday_month\" : , " + "\"birthday_day\" : , " + "\"anniversary\" : \"\", " + "\"steet_addresses\" : {" + "\"kind\": \"\", " + "\"street\" : \"\", " + "\"city\" : \"\", " + "\"state\" : \"\", " + "\"country\" : \"\", " + "} }";
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