Dear Constant Contact, I am the Resource Developer for Independence Center, we are a non-profit organization and our mission is to enhance the quality of life, to promote independent functioning and to facilitate personal growth for adults with a history of mental illness. To achieve this, we provide ongoing social, educational, vocational, and housing opportunities. The most common disorders our Members are faced with include bi-polar disorder, major depressive disorder, anxiety disorder, and schizophrenia, or other psychotic disorders. We also offer crisis intervention at our Living Room Wellness Center, which provides a safe comfortable, environment where skilled Support Specialists provide crisis intervention referrals and other needed services for people experiencing a crisis due to mental illness. We offer free-of-charge peer counseling, person-centered safety and crisis planning, as well as basic needs like healthy food, clean showers, and transportation. Constant contact is an essential tool which helps us communicate to our members, donors and community about current issues and articles about mental health awareness. In fact this month is Suicide Prevention Awarement Month and we sent out an email campaign with articles about prevention, links to resources and updates about our services. We are gaining ground with new subscribers, donors, and more and simply bringing awareness to our cause. We would not be able to achieve this without the constant contact platform.
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