I am trying to send out an email campaign using PDF documents with an imbedded link for recipients to register for an event. I tested the link in the original PDF document prior to downloading it to Constant Contact, and it works.
BUT, when I bring that document into Constant Contact, the link functionality gets removed. So I selected the section of the email where the link should be and added it back in.
However, when I click on the link from the Preview in Constant Contact, and from the test emails (both personal and business) I sent myself, the link functionality is not working properly. It seems the original link is being hijacked by spam sites, and in some cases just goes to a blank Google page. I tried multiple times, and was directed to multiple different spam sites.
The link I'm using is valid. And this is not an issue with my company controlling Internet settings since it's also happening in my personal email.
I would really appreciate some assistance with getting this working since it's critical to my campaign.
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