Hi @William_A, Thank you for your response. However, the custom field for contacts is fixed for each contact. This could be a lot of repetitive tasks just to update the contact for each campaign. Is there any way to track the campaign information through the URL. For example a URL in the logo in the header and footer instead of replacing the URL every time we duplicate a campaign we always need to verify if the URLs on that section are replaced.
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Based on the link below about the Dynamic Links in an Email, is there a way we can insert the campaign ID as a Dynamic Variable? https://knowledgebase.constantcontact.com/articles/KnowledgeBase/38461-Insert-Dynamic-Links-in-an-Email?_ga=2.168250088.898044629.1680601991-1820916275.1641108634&_gl=1*xvg8yo*_ga*MTgyMDkxNjI3NS4xNjQxMTA4NjM0*_ga_14T5LGLSQ3*MTY4MDYwMTgwNi40Ni4xLjE2ODA2MDU0NzcuOS4wLjA.&ic=comm_reply〈=en_US
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