Nick, i really do appreciate you moving quickly on this topic and finding out the answer, even though it won't meet my needs. I'm currently exploring another system that can do what your old system did and will likely move to them, and I have multiple events coming up this Summer and need to start building them. Here's some feedback if you want to provide to your developer. One of my customers that I plan many meetings for used to have me use your legacy product and it worked for many years. They wanted a system that could do more customer integration and they chose another product. When we started using them, the confirmation that was generated was very similar to your new confirmation in Events 2.0. Basically, telling them they registered. Their customers hated, hated, hated it because it told them nothing of what they registered for. I disliked it as well because I'm the one they called to find out what they registered for. They are still using it and I'm still getting all the calls to regurgitate the info they filled out weeks prior. The customer was even considering coming back to CC but I said the new platform won't meet their needs. Thanks again for the quick turnaround as it is helping me to find a solution
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