Request for feedback, please. My first newsletter, on September 15, went to 100 people only. It had a 50% open rate, but only a 1.1% click rate - dismal. My second newsletter, October 4, went to just under 2,500 people. The open rate was 4.8% and the click rate was .2% My third newsletter, November 16, went to 2,492 people. It had an open rate of 4.0% and a click rate of .1%. The first was sent to principals and superintendents of school districts in Texas. The next two were sent to some of the people who have subscribed to my newsletter since January 1, 2023. I have considered possibilities as to why more people are not opening: 1. Too close to the date to prepare for some of the activities suggested. (especially for Native American Heritage) 2. Subject line? 3. Subscriber list is way too small I am planning on breaking the newsletters down into smaller in terms of the amount of information and sending those out weekly. If you could take a look at them and provide feedback, I would greatly appreciate it.
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