Hello HopeStarter, user402918, TeresaD68348 & user74392,
Thank you for reaching out to Constant Contact API Developer Support. My team is here to assist outside software developers with questions about building into Constant Contact's API.
The 3rd party Divi/Bloom plugin uses our legacy V2 API. V2 API keys and Access Tokens can no longer be created as the platform used to generate them (constantcontact.mashery.com) has been retired in preparation for the full retirement of the V2 API. I’m sorry for any inconvenience this may cause. I would highly recommend reaching out to the Divi/Bloom team to see if they have plans to move the integration over to our current V3 API, or if a V3 integration is available but not yet publicly listed. Below I’m including a link to their support team.
Divi/Bloom Support:
Please have a look and let us know if you have any other questions!
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