We use Events 2.0 for workshops. Sometimes, someone who signed up has a schedule conflict come up and needs to reschedule to a different one OR, rarely, we have to cancel one and move everyone to other dates. There is no ability to move registrants between events so you have to manually cancel and re-enter the registration. That causes issues on MANY levels! 1) All of the original information (registration date, payment method, etc.) is completely lost. 2) It's all done manually so the potential for human error while re-entering the registration is huge. 3) We only accept credit cards for events but you can't manually enter a registration without charging them again so you have to change your accepted payments to something like "at the door" so you can manually enter the registration - and hope no one registers while that is up and sees that as an option OR you have to turn off registrations while you do it and potentially lose revenue. And don't forget to change it back! 4) Then you have to go through and mark all the manual registrations as paid - but again you have lost all of the payment information and tracking ability from the original registration. 5) It shows these "moved" registrations as a brand new sign up and notifies the event coordination team -- which gets them excited (for nothing) and triggers their work for a "new registration" which is moot, confusing, and requires additional work on their side to override their registration cycle. So not only is all of this extremely time-consuming, error-prone, and a break in tracking/traceability... but the event fee is extremely high on top of our already-high monthly fee.
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