Hi, my program has been using CC since it first started. I have just a few things that would be great, if you could consider adding in your next update: 1. It would be really helpful when you are in your contacts list, to be able to choose the fields displayed. For example, right now you can only choose from either (name, email, date added, source) OR (name, email, conmpany, city/state). It would be great if you could add other field options...esp. Tags. It would be much easier to edit tags that are missing as you see them, instead of opening each record and/or exporting and re-uploading the list (as many times the tags do not get transferred) 2. It would also be very helpful if there was a search bar that you could search by the name of the email instead of just a date range. 3. also, the sort doesn't really work. If you want to sort sent emails from new to old, it does not sort them correctly. the dates are all mixed up. Not sure if it is sorting by date modified or actual sent date. thanks!
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