Firstly I only discovered that there was a new Builder when a chat person told me that in the legacy builder copy and edit was no longer working and that I would have to hand copy all 25 pages of my newsletter. But the NEW Builder doesn't have half the options that I had until today. CC have replaced a good builder with one with half the options and are still charging the same. I have never heard of a supplier replacing current software with a rewrite that is only 50% as good. I had to create all my images paste ready using Paint and text no longer wraps round images but is in oblong boxes. We have lost the Feature Article wrap and the whole Edit Image facility just like that. There is no way to grandfather in existing Legacy Campaigns, which is important when you send out a 25 page newsletter every week. That is just what I've found in feverishly trying to rebuild my 25 pages for next week. I need a supplier with a Builder at least as good as what we used to have. I will start looking tomorrow.
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