UPDATE: We gave up on the CC API. Looking to other vendors with a more reasonable API. Anyone unfortunate enough to be stuck in this platform, good luck. This forum topic: https://community.constantcontact.com/t5/Getting-Started-with-API-s/V3-Starter-NET-Project/m-p/340297/highlight/true#M2908 has some good information on this. As a summary, currently impossible to do this without a user (you) having a web interaction with CC. Additionally, in order to have a robust solution running, you are going to have to create some background timers and have them running to update the tokens. This portion of the API docs give some details about the timer requirements: https://v3.developer.constantcontact.com/api_guide/faqs_manage_applications.html (look under the section 'Make access tokens last longer') One other "gotcha" I ran into before we gave up is the redirect URI my be in your app's details (MyApplications/App details/Redirect URI) and be warned they are case sensitive.
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