Hello Again, We have started to integrate V3 API. We have completed following step. 1. Generate CODE - To recreate case, I am providing detail here. Using the following URL, You can generate the code. https://authz.constantcontact.com/oauth2/default/v1/authorize?client_id=ec179f3f-5e8e-454c-a015-ec35ab0bce53&scope=+offline_access&response_type=code&state=qwerty&redirect_uri=https://caasafety.com.au/ 2. Generating token - Using CODE we are getting using above URL we are trying to generate access token. Following detail, we have used for that. : https://prnt.sc/fHNkDgHFIbU0 You can check the error we are getting. So we need help to move forward from here. https://authz.constantcontact.com/oauth2/default/v1/token Parameter : code: [Take latest from Generate CODE URL] redirect_uri:https://caasafety.com.au/ grant_type:authorization_code client_id:ec179f3f-5e8e-454c-a015-ec35ab0bce53 Could you please guide us what is wrong here?
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