We are a NFP that posts on Social media frequently. Nextdoor recognizes our neighborhood association (MVNA) as a geographical area. We are not a home owner's association but rather a City wide neighborhood association composed of thousands of residents. Use Cases: 1) Our email campaigns are duplicated by posting on FB, Nextdoor and our website. (We just started using the FB post feature.) 2) Our campaign content is MVNA meeting announcements, MVNA events, City survey requests, MVNA survey requests, City capital project updates, calls to action and more. 3) Since CC provides a Social media posting dashboard, we could gather metrics on Nextdoor, which is currently a tedious process. 4) We are also establishing tags to communicate with special subgroups, i.e. neighborhood liaisons, subcommittee members, to expand our membership. 5) So MVNA's use of your product is as a major communication/feedback tool, not selling campaigns to customers. I'm sure you have many NFP's who probably use your product in a similar fashion. Let me know if you have further questions. Regards Michael Whitter MVNA Vice Chair
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