We produce a newsletter for our church twice a month. A lot of times, the events we have will be monthly but will need to be announced in one newsletter but not the next - rotating, if you will. In an effort to save myself from having to delete an article for the first half of the month only to come back and re-do it for the next issue, I utilized what I thought was a way to do this in the table of contents. The description/directions for use of this feature are as follows: Here you can change the title for your table of contents and specify the links that appear. To remove a link from your table of contents, deselect the Show checkbox for the link. To change the link text, enter a new name for the link in the Link Text field. Since this could be taken several ways, I thought it would mean that by my unchecking a box, the particular article would NOT appear in the newsletter. I was wrong! I got chewed out to the point of my bellybutton caving in! Since this happened on a Friday, it made for a great start to my weekend - NOT! Anyhow, if you could please be more clear about the function that would be great. Better still would be for you to actually add a function which WOULD allow us to not include an article for a period of time. This would save time by not having to re-write an article every 2 weeks. It would just be hanging out waiting to be checked and recirculated. Hope that made sense. I am still reeling from the beehind chewing I took! Thanks!
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