Hello. I am trying to delete a contact using a curl command from the command-line on a Mac, but am getting an error message saying that I do no have permission to perform this action. The syntax of the command that I am issuing is: curl -X PUT "https://api.constantcontact.com/v2/contacts?api_key=API_KEY&access_token=ACCESS_TOKEN&action_by=ACTION_BY_OWNER" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d "\"email_addresses\":[{\"id\":\"EMAIL_ADDRESS_ID\"}],\"lists\":[{}]\"" I am using a valid API key, access token and email address id, and I found a posting elsewhere on this site that said that in order to delete a contact one has to assign a null set of lists to that contact. The full error message that I get when issuing the above command is: [{"error_key":"user.privilege.forbidden","error_message":"You don't have permission to perform this action; please see your account owner."}] Can you advise me on the correct format for a curl command to delete a contact or otherwise unsubscribe them from all lists? Or is there something else that I need to do with the setup of my API key in order to be able to delete contacts? Thank you.
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