Is there a way to filter this endpoint /reports/email_reports/{campaign_activity_id}/tracking/didnotopens to only return the changes (if a contact clicked, opened, didnotopen ..etc ) within a campaign activity on specific date range or by the created_time
We want all the historical data for clicks, opens, ..etc, from all the email campaigns we sent out, and we have to pass in every single campaign activity id if we use one of these endpoints to be able to see what contacts interacted to each campaign activity. Is there any endpoint with filters we can use to check if there's a change on clicks or opens, ..etc to campaign activity so we know for sure that campaign needs to download to record the change else we can skip that campaign because there's no change and go to the next campaign.
Thank you so much.
Hello user6365,
Thank you for reaching out to Constant Contact API Developer Support. My team is here to assist outside software developers with questions about building into Constant Contact's API.
At this time, there is no more efficient way to get the campaign reporting data than by passing over the campaign activity id’s for the campaigns you wish to query. Enhancements to obtaining campaign reporting are under consideration for future updates, although we cannot guarantee when, or if, any specific features may be added.
One suggestion I have would be after your first full historical reporting requests to consider pulling newer campaign data daily, but pulling older data on a less frequent basis as older data is less likely to change.
Please have a look and let us know if you have any other questions!
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