Hello KenC56,
Thank you for reaching out to Constant Contact API Developer Support. My team is here to assist outside software developers with questions about building into Constant Contact's API.
You should be able to fully automate your integration with the exception of the initial Authorization Request screen and redirect, which can only be accessed/authorized via a browser window and cannot be bypassed, but you should only need to authorize each connected account once.
The Authorization Request screen is only for connecting a Constant Contact account to the integration, so for example if you are making a sign-up form or integration that only connects to one Constant Contact account, only you would access the Authorization Request screen one initial time to connect your account, it wouldn't be visible to people using the form/integration. When your users are accessing the integration, it will use the token set generated when you initially granted permission to access the connection. The only time other people would access the Authorization Request screen is if you are designing an integration that needs to connect to other Constant Contact accounts, as each account needs to grant permission to the integration.
If you'd like more details on how this process might look, please feel free to email us at webservices@constantcontact.com an reference case #32334811.
Please have a look and let us know if you have any other questions!