I am also not seeing how to create a new thread. But i would love feedback on my email newsletter. https://conta.cc/4bsHsBa Thank you, Heather D
Hi Heather,
Thanks for submitting your email. This a great-looking email.
When clicking the Tupperware logo at the top right, it takes me to a page to select a rep. If possible, I would suggest driving them to the site that has your information already selected. That will save your audience a set.
For your headshot, I would suggest making it clickable to the same page as the visit your site link, or if you have an "about me" page on the website. That way, people can learn more about you. I would also suggest adding your name under the text that says "your consultant". That way, people can get to know you, and it makes everything feel more personal. Even just your first name would create a connection with y our audience.
For each product image, it is a best practice to drive to the exact page of that product. That way, they can click on the image as well.
At the bottom of the email, there is another logo and on the right, it says, "get in touch." With the logo, it is appearing further down than the other side of the block. Moving it up will create a better balance.
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