Update Your Organization's SMS Privacy Policy and Terms and Conditions

To use SMS marketing services with Constant Contact, you must have an updated SMS privacy policy and Terms and Conditions (T&C)/Terms of Service (TOS).


You can manage these documents by navigating to the SMS settings under your Account settings. Here, you can upload the documents directly or provide URLs to where they are hosted online. Check out the full steps in our Knowledge Base.


(You can watch how to add the documents around the 0:49 mark)


These documents are crucial for compliance and enable you to engage in various SMS marketing activities such as creating SMS campaigns, using Text-to-Join, and setting up automated messages.


If you don't already have your own privacy policy and Terms and Conditions for SMS marketing, Constant Contact will automatically generate templates for you during the registration process. You can download these templates, review and customize them to suit your organization's needs, and then upload them to your Library.


What if I want to prepare the documents ahead of time?


You can!


Click to download the Mobile Messaging Terms of Service for SMS template.




Important notes about the Mobile Messaging Terms of Service for SMS template: Important notes about the Mobile Messaging Terms of Service for SMS template: The information on this page is for informational purposes only, and we make no representation or warranty regarding its accuracy or completeness. This information and the Mobile Messaging Terms and Conditions Template do not constitute legal advice and are not intended to create an attorney-client relationship. You are encouraged to consult with your own legal counsel before using this template, and to make sure that you comply with all applicable laws in connection with your mobile messaging and marketing activities.


Click to download the Privacy Policy for SMS template.




Important notes about the Privacy Policy for SMS template: THIS SAMPLE PRIVACY POLICY IS NOT LEGAL ADVICE AND IS FOR INFORMATIONAL PURPOSES ONLY. This sample privacy policy may not meet all the legal requirements applicable to you. For example, if you are subject to privacy legislation such as the California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA), the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), the UK General Data Protection Regulation (UK GDPR), or similar privacy legislation, you may be required to provide additional disclosures and rights to your users. Privacy legislation is also continuously evolving and you should review your privacy policy and privacy obligations regularly. Additionally, a privacy policy that does not accurately or adequately disclose your practices can expose you to legal risks. We recommend consulting with your legal counsel before adopting this privacy policy.


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Version history
Last update:
‎06-14-2024 02:17 PM
Updated by:
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