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Add Shopify as an Action Block in CPE editor

0 Votes

I would love to connect Shopify or our website, greenhousehome.com to the 'Product' option under the action block, so people can buy directly through our emails, rather than just linking everything. Currently, the only platforms it allows to list products are ebay and etsy, neither of which is particularly useful to our business. Thank you!

Status changed to: Voting Open

Hi @Greenhouse1235. I see that you are using our cross device templates. At this time, Shopify is not able to be integrated in this editor but I'll open this idea up for voting. Any updates will be provided here.

In your last update, my action block for Shopify (to connect to my website) disappeared from your site. I called a couple of months ago and all they could suggest was for me to use an old template that still had it on there. Put it back!
Status changed to: Closed - Implemented

Good news! The Shopify block has been added into the Cross Device editor. If you drag a Product block into your template it should give you the option to insert a Shopify product.

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