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Allowing an Event Registration More Than 1 Year in Advance

Would hope that in the future we could remove the restriction that doesn't allow us to create an event more than one year out.  We advertise our events well in advance and unfortunately although I can hide this date on the main registration page it does show on the payment information page that I cannot manage.

Status changed to: Voting Open

Hi @BradfordJ3,


Thanks for the great feedback! I'm going to open this suggestion up for voting so we can continue to collect feedback.


Could you PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE update the calendar feature on events to allow for future events that are more than a year away?  Your event piece is very powerful but I can't use it if I can't schedule an event that happens in 2020 that people need to start registering for.  I've been told a few times that you communicate well with Eventbrite and to look into their software.  The problem with their software is it's limited on "free" tickets.  They have no way to update what information is collected during registration.  Plus I already pay for Constant Contact, that advertises "Event Marketing", but I can't use what I'm paying for due to the date issue.  Please help.

In our case, we MUST have the ability to set Event dates beyond the limits CC currently imposes. Our events require registration as much as 5 years in advance of the event. Please make these start dates open ended.
Status changed to: Acknowledged

Hi all. Thank you all so much for taking the time to explain to share your feedback on this feature request. We’ve compiled and discussed this feedback you’ve shared internally. There are no immediate developments pertaining to this request, but we are continuing to share the feedback and use cases discussed here. We will mark this as Acknowledged and will post any updates we may hear from our teams.


Hello, I also require event planning for more than one year in advance. 


Planning on sharing this issue on social media and with everyone I know. Maybe if enough people ask for this change, it will happen.

Thank you.


PLEASE FIX THIS!!! I cannot imagine that other organizations are not planning and registering for events more than a year in advance. I need this feature immediately!!!


Hi everyone,


We wanted to notify everyone the new cutoff is for December 31, 2023 - meaning events can have a start/finish date up till December 31, 2023. If there are any delays, or any further updates, we'll make sure to post them here.



It's the middle of 2023...

I guess many events are now being planned for 2024, please open up events for at least the first few months of 2024 asap! 

In general, this capping of dates after a few months is inhibiting the whole events feature of CC. Please do something about it.



Not having the ability to keep my registration open past Dec 31, 2023 makes my job 10x more difficult because now I'm having to recreate these events campaigns instead of you guys just fixing the small issue of leaving them open for up to multiple years. I am needing my events to be opened up until 2024. 

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