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PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE add (or bring back) simple automations to the Standard Plan.  Most small businesses don't need the advanced features of the Premium plan, but DO need simple automations.  I miss the "Email Plus" program :frown:


Status changed to: Gathering Information

Hi @LauraOO62. What would be a "simple" automation for you? Standard customers have access to pre-built paths and welcome emails.

Constant Contact Partner

To me, a "simple automation" would be no more than 8 emails triggered by an action (such as joining a list).  This is currently only available in the Premium package.  Most of my customers are very small businesses who do not need all of the big extras in the Premium package but do need some simple automations to go along with FB ads and/or landing pages.


Thanks for your response to my comment!


I'd like to do some investigating with this. Could you please email us at communitysupport(at)constantcontact(dot)com with the username for the account and the series that was being built?

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