Campaigns Missing in Search Results

Your search function is frustrating and not useful. If words are in a title of a campaign, they should just show up when I use those words in search.

Top Answer

Hi everyone, thank you for your patience as we looked into this! The good news is we have received word from our engineers that this issue has been resolved. If it is still occurring or if you have any additional questions on this, please don’t hesitate to respond to this post as we would be happy to assist you further.

Marketing Legend
hi there, the campaign search functionality is not very accurate or usable. after about three attempts only getting campaigns from two years ago, it is quicker to manually go thru the campaigns to find one from last month containing exactly what i searched for.
Status changed to: Open Questions

 Hello @MonteH31,

Thank you for taking the time to let us know about your experience with our search feature. This is a newer feature and we definitely want to know what our customers are experiencing while using this tool. What were you trying to search for when this happened? Were your campaigns sorted old to new?

Status changed to: Open Questions

Hello @LeslieJ,

Thank you for reaching out about this! I want to make sure I understand your pain point. Is it that when you search for a term a campaign is missing or is the search pulling in content that doesn't contain your search term?

The "Search Campaigns" box does not seem to search campaign titles. I searched for Guest Welcome Email, and got nothing, when I clearly have a campaign titled Guest Welcome Email 2019-04-14. This search function should include campaign titles and not just content.
Status changed to: Open Questions

Hello @CarrieA1,

Is this something that you are experiencing with multiple campaigns or is it just when you are searching for  Guest Welcome Email 2019-04-14? You do have the ability to search by campaign title so I'm thinking this may be related to something different. 

Thank you for finally adding a search button. However, it still does not find all campaigns with the related words so I have to go searching for it on my own.
Status changed to: Open Questions

Hello @MarriageMinistries 

I'm glad to hear you are liking our search feature!
What were you searching for, and where in the campaign was it (was it in the subject line, the content, etc..) It would be interesting to know what you were using search to accomplish.

Marketing Legend

The campaign search is definitley not working properly. I can copy and paste the exact name of a campaign in the search and it fails to find anything. Partial searches don't work either. I name certain campaigns with year and month (ex 201908) if I serach for that it should return a bunch of emails but it returns nothing.


This seems to only be an issue with emails sent after April of 2019. It's like it stopped indexing or something.

I've used exact spelling and sentence case for search campaigns and it only seems to pull the Legacy campaigns, not current ones
Status changed to: Open Questions


I'm interested in learning more about your experience! What were you searching for when trying to find the campaign? What was the name of your campaign? 

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