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Email Support

Dear ConstantContact, 


You seem to no longer publish an actual email address for which your paying subscribers can contact you directly; now there is this "idea" forum and "community". Along with your tedious new automatic robotic, automated telephone system, now we are required to submit "ideas" instead of just sending you a private direct email. Why does CC continue to create more distance between your team and your subscribers?


I am writing with a complaint that I have voiced many times and seldom have received a reply:


Please stop subjecting paying subscribers to unwanted and, in my opinion, unnecessary, pop-ups and teasers and other extraneous message content. We should have an option to opt out, as paying subscribers. Yet your company stubbornly refuses to offer this and, indeed, even to acknowledge the very existence of this ever-growing barrage of uwanted "messages". 



Top Answer

As part of our updated feedback statuses, we are updating this idea as Acknowledged. While we recognize the desire for alternate forms of support, past offerings of email support created long turnaround times and frustration over issues that could not be resolved over email, and customers would need to call our Support department. There is also the issue of account security to ensure we are talking to a verified account user. This is not something we can do over email.


At this time, we do not have plans to include email support. Should we hear any updates in the future, we will post them here.


For account assistance, please call or chat with our Support team.


I've tried three times by phone and each time have to hold for over an hour.  I have been unable to reach anyone and am unable to use the Chat feature due it being a billing question.  I find it ironic that you have NO email contacts when you are company based on emails. 


I join the complaints from the thread. Absolutely unacceptable that you do not offer an email option to communicate with an email management company. Just spend a half hour on hold and no one picked up. Sad.

Status changed to: Acknowledged

As part of our updated feedback statuses, we are updating this idea as Acknowledged. While we recognize the desire for alternate forms of support, past offerings of email support created long turnaround times and frustration over issues that could not be resolved over email, and customers would need to call our Support department. There is also the issue of account security to ensure we are talking to a verified account user. This is not something we can do over email.


At this time, we do not have plans to include email support. Should we hear any updates in the future, we will post them here.


For account assistance, please call or chat with our Support team.

Campaign Collaborator

why is there no customer service for email support? chat is absolutely useless since they don't know anything and tell you to call anyways!


What a joke you are an email provider and don't provide an email address to submit to. I don't have a telephone and the chat support doesn't work as I am in New Zealand and the times don't work.



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