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[Events 2.0] Ability to see scheduled/sent date of event email, event emails to show on Calendar

After scheduling an Events 2.0 Beta email, it appears under the event's "Event-related campaigns" [1]. However, it lacks the "Scheduled for (date and time)" tag as it does for scheduled campaign emails [2]. There's no way to determine an event-related scheduled email date; you must unschedule the event email and reschedule it.


Also, scheduled campaign emails appear on the Calendar [3]. However, the calendar does show the event-related emails (sent or scheduled). We look at the calendar as a task-timing tool to space out scheduled emails to avoid blowing up contacts' inboxes, i.e., sending multiple emails on the same day.  








Campaign Contributor

When is the scheduled fix for this? If attempting to modify a scheduled email to non-responders, you now have to re-create it because the system asks for you to identify the "lists" in which to send the message. I don't want to send to a particular is to go to non-responders. Re-creating the emails is incredibly time-consuming


It would be helpful for emails that are created in an event to appear on the marketing event calendar.



When looking at the list of emails at the bottom of the Event page, I can see where some have been scheduled, but I can not see what date they will post.  The only way to check the date they are scheduled to post is to first unschedule the email, then edit.  Is there a way to show what day they are scheduled to post on this main page list of event emails?  



Please add the time and actual send date in the event details listing for campaign emails scheduled within events. This would make following progress of the campaign much easier.


(At present, it appears that a scheduled email entry shows only the event end date -- for a while? -- and later it changes to the scheduled date.)



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