Filter and Sort After Search

The improvements to the search feature you just released are great but you took away the ability to use the drop downs (Campaigns, Status, Search Relevance and Folders) after you have your search results.


Support told me that "this would be a great feature to add".  I believe that this is a necessary function to be a complete search feature.  Now I can find things with the search that I could not find before, but I cannot qualify the search, which WAS available when the search did not work correctly.  This causes me to scroll down to find the newest emails that I would like to reuse.  Legacy emails always seem to come up first. 

Status changed to: Voting Open

Hi @PaulF76 thanks for sharing this feature request with us! We have opened up your idea so other users can weigh in as well on this post. The more requests and idea like this receives the higher of a priority it can be given. With that said we have also submitted this idea to our Product Team on your behalf.

Constant Contact Partner
Please put back the ability to sort search results by date. Thank you.
Marketing Expert

Yes - also partial campaign name searches would be good - i.e. search for bethany turns up nothing but bethanysnf returns results (campaign is named bethanysnf + date).  Also, typing in search bar takes several seconds for the letters to show up?

Campaign Contributor

Hi!  With the new update, we can't sort emails that come up as a search result.  It used to be that we could search a campaign, and then sort by last modified, now that is not an option.  This is extremely frustrating, with some campaigns having hundreds of emails going back 5-6 years.  I  spoke to your customer service who informed me that this function did not carry over, but that you were tracking calls about this and it would be included in the next update.  However, there is no time frame for this.  It seems to me that this means you will add it back if you get enough complaints about it.  This was an extremely important feature for us.


This is a deal breaker for me. Have used ConstantContact for years and now I will have to look for an alternative as I no longer have a feature I used to have: I NEED TO BE ABLE TO SORT CAMPAIGNS AFTER I CONDUCT A SEARCH. Right now I conduct a search and the results date back to 2015, 2016, etc. - I need to sort to MOST RECENT.

I do not like your new search engine. It does not let me filter my search at all. This is very cumbersome to find the campaign from a previous year.
Campaign Contributor

The inability to filter or sort search results is creating significant issues for us.  We always want to be able to copy the last modified campaign, but now the search returns results with no real rhyme or reason... I'm having to scroll through years' worth of campaigns to find one recently sent.  Please add back this filter.  I previously called customer support about this, and was told that they may address it in the future.  I called again today to see if there was any update on when this feature would be back, and the customer support agent did not know what I was talking about and made me do a share screen so she knew what it was.

Marketing Expert

Definitely vote on the open submission.  This is such a painful item that doesn't need to be that way ansd would be a simplistic fix.  Not sure what algorithm is used to return results but it is horrible.

Status changed to: Coming Soon
Marketing Expert

Very helpful - excited to know it is coming soon!


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