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Include Instagram as option for social media block

In certain templates, there is a social share button and it doesnt include the ability to add Instagram - why not?


Instagram is tremendously important and growing fast. To have not added it to Social Share yet is a major inconvenience and requires us to post via multiple channels. Please add Instagram to Social Share.




Two years (+), and still waiting for an Instagram Social Share feature. Perhaps someone at CC would be courteous enough to explain why this is not yet an option rather than continuing to say that it's something that is being worked on/reviewed. I'm thinking there's a reason we users haven't considered that's making it challenging at your end. 

Brand Visionary

A Constant Contact Rep showed me where to find, in 3GE, the social share buttons that I could build into a template, adding icons to enable readers to share the email with friends. I was adding those--but today I can only find the icons to share to our own social media. Am I missing something? 

Can we add Instagram?
Campaign Collaborator

Please add Instagram to the Social Share!  How hard can this be??  We pay good money to use this service.... maybe we should look elsewhere for more innovative people.


Agree with all comments posted above.  It would be convenient to post to IG from my Constant Contact account.


I would like instagram capability, too

Any word on adding instagram? Ive been reading the comments, looks like this is in high demand, and no one is even working on it.  ETA?


Hi everyone. Thank you so much for the feedback about the request to share your campaigns on Instagram. We recently released our Social Posts tool which includes the ability to post on Instagram from your Constant Contact account. However, it isn't designed to share your emails on Instagram as Instagram is an image-heavy platform and doesn't allow the addition of direct links into posts. As a workaround, you can include the link as text in the post but your followers would need to copy and paste the text into a browser in order to view your campaign. I've also seen some customers include the link to their campaigns in their bio and then create a post highlighting the campaign and pointing their followers to access the link to it through their bio.


We're always open to improving your experience and if there is an opportunity for us to make this change, we will be sure to update you.

Status changed to: Closed - Implemented

Emails can now be shared to Instagram via our new social share. As Caitlin_M previously mentioned, you can also create and schedule Instagram posts independently as well. Thanks for all the feedback!

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