New Social Media posting process

0 Votes
The new Social Media process is a lot clumsier and harder to process, especially sizing and assigning pictures to the Facebook posts. It was a lot easier under the old system. Also, you cannot just delete a post on the campaigns page. Two thumbs down, it frustrates me every time
Rookie simply atrocious! It doesn't resize images AT ALL, if you replace the image, it loses all text content as to what the post is can no longer schedule multiple posts across a set time...the user experience is appalling.
Status changed to: Open Questions

Hi @KarenW378 thanks for sharing this feedback with us! What exactly are you experiencing with assigning pictures to your social share post? What are some cases where you would want to alter the sizing of these images? Also, what are you experiencing when deleting your post from the campaigns page in your account?

Status changed to: Gathering Information

We are leaving this post open for a period of time to better understand what you are seeing. Frankie has asked some great questions and we hope to receive some information to assist you further.

Status changed to: Closed - Not Enough Information

Thank you for taking the time to post in the Community. We haven't heard back from you so we are going to close this idea. This doesn't mean that we aren't listening to your feedback! Please feel free to comment or vote on any of the other open ideas to let us know what you would like to see.

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