New survey format


I'm not impressed with the new survey format.  I cannot add an image to a specific survey question, I need more character space (1,000 character limit would be great), and exporting the survey results did not give me a number of options. Also, when it did export my results, it converted a number of special characters (commas, dashes/hyphens, quotations) into some weird characters so I had to do a search/replace throughout all my results.


LOVE the legacy survey format.


Thank you

1 Comment
Status changed to: Closed - No Action

Hi @MarkB947 thank you for sharing this feedback with us! We apologize these features have not been carried over to our updated survey campaign. The good news is these are all feature request we are in the process of collecting feedback on. In fact adding images to questions, having additional character space, and exporting survey results that match the formatting when exported from the legacy surveys all have their own feedback threads. We would suggest commenting and kudoing those threads so your feedback can be properly tracked to the appropriate teams.

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