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Reopen a closed event

Please can you look at providing the option to re-open an event, which has closed.


Yes, please add the option to re-open events ASAP.  This has been a consistent request for over FIVE years. (TL)

We have an event hat has closed and would like to extend it more days. Editing it does not seem to work.

I offer events that span several meetings. I would like to reopen the event. I don't know a way to offer multi-date event with calendar links for each date.


Please allow editing of events that have already taken place.


Some of the information listed at the top of an old registration page about my organization is no longer accurate, so it needs to be changed. Currently our only options are to delete the event altogether, or keep inaccurate information online. We'd like to keep it online as an example of events we've held in the past.


Also, in the past we have run into the same issue people here speak up:  rescheduling an event is impossible if the original date has passed.

Campaign Contributor

Chiming in here to lobby for this to be a thing in 2020 and beyond. We recently had to re-schedule an event due to a hurricane (#2020). With hundreds of registrants, I'm at a loss for what to do. I'm considering re-creating the event for new registrants, but then taking our previous registrant list and emailing them off to the side with the new event and virtual log-in information. But wow what a difference it would make if there were a "This event was re-scheduled" button and we could simply TRANSFER all existing registrants to the new event date. Pretty please???


With all the postponed events due to COVID this feature is critical. PLEASE make this a priority!


I am using Constant Contact for the first time to collect registrations for an event. The event was postponed and I can not believe there is no way to reschedule it in the system. 


Especially in light of rescheduled events during a pandemic, you really need to allow event sponsors to reopen events after they're closed. Here's our situation: We postponed a December 2020 event due to Covid, but didn't realize we also needed to change the date in Constant Contact. Now that we realized it, we have 113 registrants and the event is deemed closed, but we can neither reopen the event to keep using building on that registration database, nor can we download then upload the registration data into a new event. Nor, according to one of your support reps, can your people do any of this in the back end.


That really sucks. So the only alternative seems to be to download the registration data report and use that offline, and to create a new event with the new dates and essentially start from scratch, meaning two separate databases of registration info for the same event.


You really need an option to re-open events. Especially in light of rescheduled events.


Unless there is some sort of rational for not being able to re-open an event after the closing date, this absolutely needs to be an option. Between Covid and rescheduling, allowing more registrants, and just the changing nature of events, this option is a must.

Or, if not, is there a way to transfer all registrants to the new Event (after copying the current one)?

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