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Send multiple birthday emails to one contact

0 Votes

Some couples share an email so it would be nice to send out birthday greetings to both people. Allow to have two birthdays. We have both couples' birthdays and their unique first names to differentiate whose birthday greeting it is.

We'd like to send birthday emails to the parents who have kids having upcoming birthdays. But I can't add multiple names/emails in without sending duplicate emails AND I'm unable to leverage custom fields to send emails to those parents. Need some additional database functionality, please!
Some couples share an email so it would be nice to send out birthday greetings to both people. Allow to have two birthdays.
Status changed to: Voting Open

Hello @OutreachC8<

Thanks for submitting this idea to us! I will be opening this up to voting so customers like yourself can comment and vote on this idea as well. 

Would you need a way to distinguish between the the two different birthdays, or do you only need the ability to include two different dates?


Hi @KimN87


Thanks for sharing this feedback with us! We have opened up this idea so other users can weigh in as well.

Status changed to: Voting Open
Status changed to: Acknowledged

We're updating the status of this idea to more accurately reflect its current status with our engineering team and also made slight changes to the subject line in order for it to be more easily found. We can't guarantee a commitment to deliver on this feature request for our automated birthday emails but it should indicate some awareness that we have heard your feedback and could be taken under consideration for a future release.

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