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PLEASE focus on making your surveys more customer friendly. You have A DISTINCT advantage over Survey Monkey and other competitors in that the user can know exactly who is responding without asking for a name. Specifically, please make the survey link moveable within the body of an email message invitation. And, allow that link to be embedded into a new email WITH the opportunity to track respondent's contact info. Thank you!
Status changed to: Voting Open

Hi @JayneG2 thanks for sharing this feedback! What edits are you looking to do in your survey email invitation? On the other hand,  having the ability to track survey responses when shared through a separate email campaign is a feature request we are tracking. Because of this I have opened your idea up so other users can weigh in as well. 

Status changed to: Closed - No Action

Because we have not heard back from the original author on this thread we are going to close this idea. This doesn't mean that we aren't listening to your feedback! Please feel free to comment or vote on any of the other open ideas to let us know what you would like to see. In the meantime we also recommend users share their need for collecting personal information through a survey page directly on its thread.

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