User can add themselves to Additional CC Lists using business flow (not CC list management)

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Issue: User can not add themselves to an additional list at CC without navigating to the bottom of a mailing, clicking update profile and add to the list which they want.  In this one-click world, users don't do that.   The other alternative is for the CC account holder to manually add them.  This removes power / control from the user and introduces manual or additional development automation work (e.g. Zapier). 



1). User / consumer can not easily add themselves to a new CC list integrated into a sales / business flow if their email is already in the CC account.  One list wonder, breaks our biz. 

2). Requires us to do 3rd party automation to manage and maintain lists.  Manual updates too labor intensive and error prone.

3). Constant Contact by requiring manual / automated updates doesn't allow the CC account holder to honor GDPR in a easy flor where the user can manage being added to additional lists.   



User is a post grad student taking an online course.  Built into the end of the Course A is an option to sign up for "CC List A" which is specific to completing that course.  On the first run, students email is correctly added to List A.  User takes a second course online, Course B.  At the end of Course B, the user has the ability to sign up for "CC List B" which is specific to that course. 



User is able to self manage and sign up for CC List B after they have already added their email to CC List A. 



User sign-up for CC List B, fails.  No notification displays on page.  There is no "error" look up available to see fails at CC.  Just darkness.  The user thinks they have successfully signed up for the list. It's been rejected.  The CC account holder has no idea of the sign up and failure.  


Use Case Contact: or on behalf of Pamela (acct holder).


Hi @MallyEnterprises 


Thanks for sharing this feedback with us. We're sorry to hear your contacts have not been able to update their contact list memberships as easily as they should. Are you seeing this happen with more than one contact? On more than one browser or even a private/incognito window? With that said, contacts should be able to update their lists through the "Update Profile Form" in the footer of your email campaigns regardless of the source of how they were added into your account. If you are seeing contacts who cannot, please email us at social_support(at)constantcontact(dot)com with the following details:

  • Your username and a reference to this post
  • The contact/s in question
  • The campaign they are using the update profile form through
  • The list they are currently on and list they are trying to join
  • The 3rd party app/source the contact was added through
  • The browser being used and if they are receiving an error message. 


In the meantime, the good news is we do have an idea thread dedicated to wanting a specific URL for the update profile form. We suggest sharing your need for this directly on its thread. The more requests and comments a thread like that receives the higher of a priority it can be given by our product team.

Status changed to: Gathering Information

Hi Frankie_P,

You are correct that all contacts can not go through a new form flow to be added to a list.  It is not specific to one individual contact. 

The functionality to have a contact manage through the footer is not the use case that needs addressed.  This is a different use case entirely.  

This ask is NOT related to have a single URL for a contact. That alas is a different use case all together. 


Asking a contact to go to a link and scroll through our lists to add themselves will not be successful.  To be required to do additional steps to add themselves to a list is laborsome and contacts will simply browse away.


Do you have any questions in understanding the use case presented?   


Hi @MallyEnterprises 


I apologize if I misunderstood your request! Just to clarify, are you looking for contacts to be able to add themselves to a different list in your account without using the update profile link in the footer of your emails? If so, do you have examples or screenshots of how you want the students to manage their list or what you want the list membership process to look like?

Status changed to: Closed - Not Enough Information

Thank you for taking the time to post. We have not heard back from you so we will be closing this idea. If you can provide us with more information about your request, please let us know by commenting below.

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