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copying words with hyperlinks

0 Votes
I wish that when cutting and pasting words with hyperlinks attached the hyperlink would remain attached to those words. Thank you.
Status changed to: Voting Open

Hello @RobertW47

Thanks for reaching out with this. I think that is a great idea! I will be opening this idea up for voting so other users like yourself can vote and add to this idea with additional comments!

Status changed to: Not Currently Planned

Hello everyone. With the changes being made to our Feedback flow, we are changing this status to Not Currently Planned. At this time, we do not have plans to include this type of functionality due to the low number of tracks from other customers and the prioritization of other ideas. If we hear anything in the future regarding this feature request, we will update the thread. If we hear anything in the future regarding this feature request, we will update the thread.

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