Account Review, List Review, and Compliance FAQ


Hello Community,


This is going to be a quick post covering some of the basics with Reviews. We’re going to address some of the most commonly asked questions, and hopefully make the review process a little more easily understood overall.


My account has been flagged for review, what do I need to do?

You may have seen (or currently do see) a banner at the top of your account letting you know that your account or ability to send emails is currently disabled, and that you need to call in for a review.


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If your account has been flagged for Review, you won’t be able to send emails until it is complete. For account security and Compliance, Reviews must be completed over the phone. Our Review team has several direct phone lines (including non-US numbers) to help streamline the call-in process. 

If you’re unable to call them for whatever reason, please send an email to social_support(at)constantcontact(dot)com with your username, preferred phone number, geographical location if non-US based, and request for a Review callback. Accounts that have been outright canceled for Compliance reasons cannot have callback cases submitted.



What is a List / Account Review?

Reviews are an important part of our business, as they help mitigate spam and scam accounts, ensure compliant emailing, and safeguard sending reputations for you, our other customers, and for our company as a whole.


We utilize a mix of automated functions and scans, as well as manual human reviews to monitor for potentially problematic activity. Other times, we may receive enough public and private abuse reports through various channels that our Compliance team will need to take action. 



What can trigger a review?

Some of the more common things that result in reviews are:

Other factors, such as disreputable IP addresses and email addresses, can also result in accounts being flagged for review or outright canceled. 


See also:

Reducing spam reports

Checking your spam score



What is the threshold for unsubscribes and spam reports?

Unfortunately there’s no simple answer to this. What determines when an account reaches a large-scale unsubscribe and/or spam report threshold is based on a myriad of information that our system tracks and weighs against other data on the account. 


Since email programs such as Gmail, Yahoo, Outlook, and other providers pay extremely close attention to spam reports, even a seemingly small number of spam reports for a single source can significantly impact that source’s sending reputation. Constant Contact follows a 1 SPAM complaint for every 1000 emails delivered guideline to feedback loops. We only look at feedback loops in these situations. A feedback loop is an email address that has the ability to mark an incoming email as spam. In our case, that’d affect not just our company, but our customers that send through us as well.



If my account has been canceled by the system / Compliance team, what can I do?

Unfortunately an account canceled for Compliance reasons is unlikely to be able to utilize our system in the future. IP addresses and email addresses with negative reputations are the most common culprits, and we simply cannot change those elements’ reputations, nor have them associated with us. It may seem harsh, but this simply has to be done to comply with the majority of email providers and their delivery algorithms.



I need to perform some clean-ups of my email content or contact list to complete the review. Do I have to call back in again?

After speaking with the Review team to figure out what needs to be done, if you still need to complete some additional work after the call, our Review team will keep that in mind. In these scenarios, they’ll send an email through a case in our CRM. Simply reply directly to that email to re-open the case and alert them, once you’ve completed the task. They’ll perform another review of the problematic elements that you worked on, then respond back with either a confirmation of the account being released, or highlighting parts that still need to be addressed by you. That said, calling back in will generally result in a much quicker response and resolution.



Remember our support teams are always here to help. If you need to complete a review, or have additional questions about your account’s compliance, make sure to reach out to the Review team directly. Otherwise, if you’re unable to call, just email our Community & Social Care team at social_support(at)constantcontact(dot)com with your username, contact info, and request, and we’ll get a callback case setup.


Remember, you’ve got this! You’ve got us!


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