[Resolved] System Issue January 13-14, 2024 - account functionality, emails, contacts, billing


I've been working on a newsletter all day.... and now it seems to be GONE. I sent one test email to myself, which came through fine, but then I went back in to make more revisions. I received the red error message when I wanted to check the links.... the first four times, it was fine. Under campaigns, it now just shows a draft was created about 8 hours ago and the thumbnail is blank. PLEASE tell me it's not gone forever....... I beg of you. Or someone. I will rip my hair out and drink more wine, if so.

Top Answer

Hello everyone,


We are aware that some users experienced an issue last night when trying to access their email campaigns, billing elements, contacts UI, and other sections of accounts. At this time, the issue has been resolved and all Constant Contact functionality has been restored.

If you are still experiencing issues, please log out of your account, fully exit your browser, and then log back in again. If the issue persists, please contact our support team so we can further assist you.

117 REPLIES 117
Campaign Collaborator
0 Votes

same problem here. The file can't be accessed or sent. We aren't the only ones.

Here is the message error Im finding!

alertCircle icon
Error getting campaign activity by activityId ca95f6fd-8ab4-4f86-8509-c54fe7122c4a: undefined
0 Votes

Me too!! Error getting campaign activity by activityId 0b78a1e0-2ab4-4f22-ab97-cf50d3c2d068: undefined

Campaign Collaborator
0 Votes

me too. What is happening in this program?

0 Votes

Me, too!!  Unscheduled my campaign to make a change, which took, but then can't get back in to make the change because of the error message!!! 


My draft came back late last night and I was able to send it out.... WHEW! I was about to roll into a fetal position thinking of all the work I had lost. Hopefully, everything worked out for the rest of you too! 

0 Votes

Yes, all set here, too! Was able to send my campaign out on time!!!

Campaign Contributor
Has anyone had luck fixing this error message? I must send an email tonight and I can't find out to fix the error.
Brand Strategist

We have been trying to edit and email and also quicksend previous ones, and it hasn't worked for hours! No support available and status reports no problems. Unacceptable.

Campaign Collaborator

I'm having the same problem.  I cannot copy any old email messages to update and resend. I get the error message "Error getting campaign activity by activityId e418a7f1-5581-4cc2-a2ee-f790003343d2: undefined."  I also need to prepare a message to go out tomorrow morning, but it seems like there's a system-wide problem.  Status shows no outages.

Campaign Contributor

Bummer to hear. Thank you for the response! 


Getting same thing. Tried a different browser too - same result.

Brand Strategist

It's Constant Contact. Not us. Their IT team does not even appear to be monitoring the problems. We've been having various problems all day. Earlier, we could not save any edits to Contact records. Tonight we've spent hours trying to access a draft email to edit and send. We also cannot quicksend any previous emails.

Campaign Collaborator

Having the same problem with not being able to access my draft e-mail and getting the same error message in a red box.

Campaign Collaborator
0 Votes

Thanks for your diligence!  Seems like they sorted this out.  I was able to send email this morning.

0 Votes
Hello, I am trying to copy a previously sent campaign as it's a template I use often - just need to update the info. But, I keep getting an error message. I have tried starting from scratch and creating a new email campaign but Constant Contact will not let me select ANY of the templates, nor will it let me select the blank one to create my own. I also cannot open up any of my previous campaigns - I keep getting error messages. IS anyone else having these difficulties?
0 Votes

Yes - I was having the same problems - but just a few minutes ago, I was able to actually get in and edit my draft - scheduled it quickly. Everything seemed to be there - eveb my links were in place.

Campaign Collaborator
An email I am trying to edit is not letting me viedw the content of it at all so I can't edit. I'm getting the following message: activityId 7246098a-f915-4858-96af-6f266ee1d3d6: undefined
0 Votes

I get the same error message when trying to open an email that was in draft (unsent) mode.

Campaign Collaborator
0 Votes

yes, exactly. Tried opening in incognito, refreshed page, cleared cache. What else?

0 Votes

Same type of error message.

0 Votes

happening for me as well


Getting the same message when attempting to edit a draft email: 

Error getting campaign activity by activityId a8401419-5340-4e73-a94d-48960f11e21e: undefined
I'm glad to see it's not just me. I hope I am able to recover all the work I already started and that this is resolved soon so I can schedule the email to be sent tomorrow.
0 Votes

Same here...

0 Votes

Same, any responses yet?

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