About a month ago, the web version of newsletters started to display my name instead of the default general greeting. This is visible any time someone clicks on the View as Webpage option at the top of a newsletter or views a newsletter in our archive -- and frankly it's really embarrassing and I would have thought would be a priority to be fixed, but it's still there. I contacted support about three weeks ago and was told that they were aware of the problem, but still it is unresolved. I was given two pieces of advice. 1) To not use a personal greeting so to avoid the issue. I do not find this acceptable given that it requires our business to compromise its communication to 100k+ each week because of a newly introduced bug in Constant Contact. 2) To send a live email to myself without a greeting, and archive that. I actually had been doing that for a couple of weeks but a) it's a pain to have to do for 2-3 mailings a week and it only solves the archive problem -- the link in the newsletter itself is still a problem -- and keep in mind that it's the web version that Gmail displays if they truncate an email that is sent. Presumably everyone is experiencing this issue. Has anyone got a resolution?
Hello @bookbrowse ,
Is your account's main email address and your name listed as one of your contacts? If so, does removing yourself as a contact, or removing your name fields alleviate the issue? Does this issue occur when you insert your own View as Webpage link in the email?
Beyond that, the other provided workarounds are the only ones we officially have available at this time. The only other one I can suggest beyond those would be to shorten your emails, so Gmail doesn't need to clip them and generate their own version of a view-as-webpage.
Hello @bookbrowse ,
Is your account's main email address and your name listed as one of your contacts? If so, does removing yourself as a contact, or removing your name fields alleviate the issue? Does this issue occur when you insert your own View as Webpage link in the email?
Beyond that, the other provided workarounds are the only ones we officially have available at this time. The only other one I can suggest beyond those would be to shorten your emails, so Gmail doesn't need to clip them and generate their own version of a view-as-webpage.
Hi William
Most of our emails already go out below Gmail's limit so that is not a primary concern -- I simply mentioned that as something that might be a concern for others in the community.
The bigger issue is that, yes, we do have a View as Webpage link, in newsletters and that shows incorrectly.
It also shows incorrectly in archived versions of newsletters -- so I am laboriously having to send a live version to myself without a greeting so as to use that link in the archives - but that does not solve the View as Webpage link.
Bottom line:
This bug appeared 5-6 weeks ago out of nowhere (archived versions of newsletters before then are fine).
Constant Contact say they are aware of the bug.
I assume it must be impacting many accounts.
So why is it taking so long to fix?
I wouldn't have any insight on that, different issues pop up for different reasons, and devs need time and troubleshooting info to properly investigate and address them. Different issues can be addressed quickly, while other may take more time.
The issue is tracked to your account, so if and when the devs have an update regarding it, you'll be notified.
I'm having the same problem.
Do you have a fix for this that you can implement at an account level? We are having this issue. We send emails that have several fields of information personalized for every recipient, and shortening emails is not an option.
Hello @ams-cyancey ,
At this time, the previously suggested potential workarounds are the only ones we have available, since this is partially tied up with how email programs clip content and read email code.
This has already been asked before, but the solutions or workarounds do not work.
When sharing the web version of an email from the campaign details screen (not from the email), it puts my name in the name field ("Hey Joe,") instead of defaulting to a plain greeting ("Hey,").
Our company can't share the web version in its current form. Are there any other solutions?
Hello @JoeS54 ,
Please see the info in that post's Top Answer.
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