You need to provide additional information. Please correct the errors below and try again.

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I am unable to send out an email blast and there is nothing wrong with my information provided. 

0 Votes

Hello @MichaelG677832 ,


When that message shows up on the Scheduling page, it typically denotes an issue with the physical address that's included in the footer (usually the state/province or zip code). You can edit the physical address on the Scheduling page, or in the email editor.

William A
Community & Social Media Support
0 Votes

I'm getting this error and the physical address is correct.  However, the Reply To and From address fields are blank instead of prepopulated as they usually are.  I don't seem to be able to add anything to them -- I put in the information, but there's no ability to save.

0 Votes

Hi @RachelleP90159 ,


I'm not able to recreate the issue inside your account, and am able to see your verified addresses to select from and save, in both the editor and on the scheduling page.

Is the issue still occurring for you, or has it resolved itself?

William A
Community & Social Media Support
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