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convert an CC email to a word doc (a pdf copy is not useful for printing)

0 Votes

Hello, we need a few copies of our monthly newsletter to send to members of the church who don't do email. How do I do that - convert into word. when one converts to a PDF, and then prints, the tops and bottom of the pages are cut off due to printer restrictions. I need a word doc so that I can have proper margins for the printed copy.' HELP

Top Answer

Hello @PDSCSR ,


There isn't a way to convert an email to a Word doc in our system. You can try converting the provided PDF version to a Word doc using an outside program, and then adjust margins / imagery as needed for your printing.

0 Votes

Hello @PDSCSR ,


There isn't a way to convert an email to a Word doc in our system. You can try converting the provided PDF version to a Word doc using an outside program, and then adjust margins / imagery as needed for your printing.

William A
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