I spent a good part of today building the templates for a customer journey. It crashed several times while being built. Now, all my templates are gone. I'll try again tomorrow, but as of tonight, it says there are 0 journeys. a second attempt says it's unable to load. Hope they are all there!
I'm just sending some feedback. I spent a good part of today building several journey ways with the beta testing. It crashed several times during the process. Then when I went to log back in it says zero journeys are there. A second attempt says to check back later. It was several hours of setting up images, links, products, coupon codes, etc...would hate to lose it all. I will check back, but in case the community needs to know...
Hello @ChertheFire ,
Since the custom journeys is fairly new, our higher level technical team is wanting to gather additional info, and troubleshoot further. I've assigned their case to the agent I spoke with, and they'll be reaching out to your account's primary email address for follow-up. They should be reaching out within the next 4 business days, depending on their personal case and call queues.
Thank you, William, I was told by the online chat staff to post here. I understand it's new. I wanted to let someone know about the experiential end of setup yesterday. I checked today and so far, it looks like all the information is as I left it yesterday. All Journeys appeared in the queue as active or in draft form as expected.
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