Hello Sara,
Thank you for reaching out to Constant Contact API Developer Support. My team is here to assist outside software developers with questions about building into Constant Contact's API.
It looks like we've already followed up with you directly via email, but here is the information provided for visibility on the forum:
It is definitely possible to obtain the unique opens reporting for your campaigns through our API. I would note that on the website and through the API, the reporting for unique opens has to be pulled per campaign but if you want to build an integration to automate that part of the process, here’s how it could be done via API:
In order to obtain the unique opens reporting for your campaigns that includes the contact details for each individual recipient, you would first need to get the campaign ids for all of your campaigns. You can do this with the Get a collection of Email Campaigns endpoint. I would note that this request pulls data for all campaigns, including drafts. Since you’ll only need the sent campaigns, you’ll want to pull the campaign ids for the campaigns that appear with a status of “Done”.
GET a Collection of Email Campaigns:
Once you have your collection of campaign IDs, you can use the Get Details About a Single Email Campaign endpoint to obtain the campaign activity ID for each campaign.
GET Details About a Single Email Campaign:
Once you have the campaign activity ID, you can use it to get the unique opens report for each campaign, which will provide the contact details for each recipient who opened your campaigns.
GET an Email Unique Opens Report:
Alternatively, if you don’t need to pull the contact details for each individual recipient of a campaign, you can use the Get an Email Campaigns Summary Report endpoint which provides an overview for the statistics of up to 500 campaigns including unique sends, opens, clicks, forwards and opt outs.
GET an Email Campaigns Summary Report:
Please have a look and let us know if you have any other questions!
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